Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Book Seer

I have a bit of an addiction to Tumblr and if you don't know what Tumblr is then please go check it out. It is a lot of fun and I won't lie if you want to procrastinate or just waste a few hours that would be the site to do it; because you never know what you will find.

The other day I stumbled upon which is a pretty cool tool when you have the dilemma of, what am I going to read next?

Basically you type in the title of the book you just finished and the author and it pops up with a list of books that you might like based on the book you read. I actually might start using it when I hit a book drought. Although, I don't think that will happen any time soon.

However, for those of you who need a recommendation. Enjoy!

- Gina

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Scorpio Races (Reviewed by Gina)

I make it no mystery that I am a huge fan of Maggie Stiefvater. There is something magical about the books that she writes. The Shiver series will always remain one of my favorites. 

The Scorpio Races was a book I couldn't wait to read. Maggie had said that it was her favorite book out of all of the ones she had written. So you can imagine how excited I was to read this book.

Now as a general rule a book about horses and horse races are not my favorite genre to read. The first half of this book was a struggle but I will say that the characters Puck, Sean, and Mr. Holly stuck out. I find that Maggie has a way of making the characters feel real and you find yourself relating to them, not realizing that they are just characters.

Who was my favorite character? Sean. This should be no surprise but he was a strong character. He was strong in what he believed, what he thought, and what he did. There was never a time when I didn't feel him or understand his character.

The plot was well thought out and structured. The explanation of what the races were was clear and exciting. I will say that the whole story about water horses made me curious and I had to do a little research of my own. Because honestly, who doesn't want to know about mythical creatures and vicious horse races that could end up in blood or end up in glory?

This all being said, this book was probably not my favorite by Maggie but I will say that it was probably one of my favorite books of the year. There was a lot of action, a little romance, and an emotional pull to the characters that made this story completely relatable. This is the type of book I would want my kids to read and probably will have them read one day.

And you want to know something else that makes this book amazing? It is going to be made into a film. Yes, that's right a film. So that's something to look forward to in the near future.

So what do I rate this book: 4.25/5